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Safe Sport Guidelines for Coaches Under the Age of 18

By Shelba Waldron - Director of Club Education and Outreach, USA Gymnastics

We often receive questions regarding Safe Sport and how the rules apply to staff under the age of 18. It is important for teenage staff members and their supervisors to understand the following guidelines:
  • Minors who are 17 are encouraged, but not required, to take SafeSport training.
    • A 17-year-old may complete the SafeSport training with parental permission. We recommend that staff who are 17 complete the U110 course for heightened awareness of the prevention of abuse and their duty to report misconduct once they turn 18. Taking the U110 course in their 17th year will help maintain compliance by the time the staff member turns 18.
    • Staff ages 18 and older who have regular contact or authority over minors must complete the SafeSport training. Taking the U110 course in their 17th year will help maintain compliance by the time the staff member turns 18.
  • Underage staff members are not bound by the Safe Sport Prevention Policies that limit one-on-one interactions if they are close-in-age (within four years) of the other person.
    • For example, if a 17-year-old has friends on the team or they attend the same high school, then they may interact normally.
    • It is important that any coach, regardless of age, maintain a professional distance. It is not advisable for a minor to coach or be given authority over another minor close to their age.
  • Underage staff members most often coach or supervise very young children. ALL Safe Sport Prevention Policies remain in effect when coaching children who are not close to their age. This includes one-on-one policies, electronic communication, and bathroom or changing areas.
    • To maintain a safe environment between club families and coaches, club owners are strongly encouraged to establish "Safe Interaction Policies" pertaining to babysitting, transporting children or any other activity that is not written in the job duties of the minor staff member.
  • Coaches who are legal adults (18 or 19) are not bound by the prevention policies that limit one-on-one interactions providing they have no authority over and are within 4 years of the other person.
  • All staff, regardless of age, are bound by the Safe Sport Code that governs misconduct. Sexual, physical, and emotional misconduct, as well as bullying and hazing are governed under Safe Sport and are reportable offenses regardless of age.
  • Supervisors may have one-on-one interactions with underaged employees for the limited purposes of job-related conversations only, providing the employee is not a current athlete at the gym. If the employee is also a current athlete at the gym, then all Prevention Policies remain in effect.
    • It is not advisable to have closed door meetings or other interactions with a minor employee without another staff member involved.
Lastly, Club Owners are encouraged to develop their own policies that are more stringent than the ones listed above, as well as initiating ongoing discussions regarding maintaining professional interactions with all athletes and staff while on duty. We have developed a list of "What If" questions to elicit discussion and work through scenarios that will help prepare staff for potential scenarios. You can find the list of questions here.

As a reminder, USA Gymnastics has created the "Setting Healthy Boundaries Online Course U111" and Creating Healthy Boundaries with Athletes Webinar" to better help new and inexperienced staff identify and work through scenarios they might face while working at the club.

The next Safety Champion Webinar is coming in July and is entitled, "First Time Coaches: Understanding Professionalism and Boundaries." This webinar is intended for any staff member just starting out or transitioning from athlete to coach. The registration link is coming soon.

For questions or concerns, please reach out to Director of Member Club Education and Outreach Shelba Waldron at