Due to Judges' exams for the 2022-26 Optional cycle not being available until August 1, 2022, any current Level 8 or 9 judge who earned their rating in August of 2022 will be allowed to take the next level of Practical exam at the following major educational events during the summer of 2023 even if they do not meet the required 11-month minimum of holding at the previous rating:
Event - Exam date - Location
NAWGJ Symposium - July 16 starting at 8:30am - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Region 5 Congress - July 23 starting at 12:45pm - Lombard, Illinois (Chicago area)
Region 8 Congress - July 30 starting at 12:45pm - Winston-Salem, North Carolina
To be eligible to take the next Level up of the online Written exam, you MUST have held the current rating for one full year. Any questions should be directed to Connie Maloney at cmaloney@usagym.org.
Announcement About Women's Development Program Optional Judges' Exams