© Baylor Athletics

Courtesy Baylor Athletics

WACO, Texas – The Baylor Acrobatics & Tumbling team defeated the Oregon Ducks 286.275-282.305, Tuesday evening to claim their second straight National Collegiate Acrobatics and Tumbling Association (NCATA) National Championship at the Ferrell Center in Waco, Texas.

The Bears edged the Ducks in the compulsory round and posted their highest compulsory round score of the year to take the lead 38.90-38.40. In the acro round Baylor bested Oregon again winning the round, 29.40-29.15 and extended their lead to 68.300-67.550. The Bears came out strong in the pyramid event, 29.80-29.55 and furthered their lead over the Ducks, 98.100-97.100, before heading into half.

Following the toss round, Baylor topped Oregon, 29.45-29.20 to win their fourth event of the night and keep their lead over the Ducks, 127.550-126.300.

The Bears recorded another season high score in the tumbling event, 58.675-57.225 and Baylor headed into the final event up 186.225-183.525.

In the team event, Baylor secured their second straight national championship with a win, 100.5-98.78.

  • The team of Toni Bronisevsky, Allie Alaman, Kaelyn Cowan, Jena Fisher and Lauren Sturm posted a 9.95 in heat 3 of the pyramid event.
  • The Bears pyramid round score of 29.80 tied a season high for the Bears and matched Baylor's fourth highest pyramid score all-time.
  • Kiara Nowlin soared once again in her 6 element pass with a 9.95.
  • Lauren Sturm and Kaylee Adams earned Baylor's highest duo pass score of the season with a 9.95.
  • The Bears set season high scores in the compulsory, pyramid, toss and tumbling events.
The meet marked an NCATA Championship and Baylor Acrobatics & Tumbling attendance record with 2,163 fans.

"I knew this morning we were going to be okay, I can tell by the way they are in the morning and just how they handle themselves," head coach Felecia Mulkey said. "There was an eerie calm in the locker room, it was just our day. We decided and I told them that this is a national championship meet but lets not give anybody any power over defining us I don't care what the scores are, every time lets walk off satisfied."