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8 of My Favorite Tools for Social Media
By Anne Josephson

While there may be some clubs that have someone designated to develop and maintain their gym club’s social media, for most clubs it falls on the “to do’s” of already over stretched owners or managers.

So, it is not surprising that most gym clubs simply don’t have enough time to create and manage content across the various social media platforms.

The trick is to create and maintain the club’s social media presence with as little time as possible while remaining relevant to our clients and our brand.

Not an easy task, but here are 8 of my favorite social media tools that help shave time off managing your club’s social media.

Shutterstock ( Lots of great stock photos that can be used royalty free. There are both monthly and per image packages available.

Canva ( A free graphic-design tool website, Canva can make someone with no graphic design experience look like they know what they are doing! ( Make video slideshows from photos and video clips with the cloud based service.

Promo ( With access to premium video clips and music, Promo allows you to make promotional videos quickly.

Magisto ( This video editor and movie maker turns your video clips and photos into movies that are easily sharable on social media.

Melody Loops ( Background music for commercial use, Melody Loops has hundreds of genres from which to choose.

Meet Edgar ( Not only does Meet Edgar schedule and publish the posts you want across various social media platforms, it also saves them after they are posted so you can use them again!

Needls ( If you advertise on social media, needls helps you create ads for social media then monitors those ads to continually optimize which ads are most effective.