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Virtual Sanction Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply for a virtual sanction?
A: Click here to apply for a sanction online.

Q: How much does a virtual sanction cost?
A: A virtual sanction is $100.

Q: Can my athletes achieve mobility in a virtual sanction?
A: Each discipline has separate policies regarding mobilizing at a virtual sanction. Please review your respective discipline's Virtual Playbook to determine the mobility requirements.

Q: Will athletes and coaches continue to receive secondary insurance coverage during the virtual sanctions?
A: Yes. Participants will receive top-of-the-line accident participant, catastrophic and general liability secondary insurance coverage at a virtual sanctioned event.

Q: Can a virtual sanction be used for qualifications?
A: Each discipline has separate policies regarding qualification at a virtual sanction. Please review your respective discipline's Virtual Playbook to determine the qualification requirements.

Q: How do I list the judges, coaches and athletes on my meet?
A: All sanctioned events, both live and virtual, are required to use the USA Gymnastics Meet Reservation system for all meet registrations. Follow the steps listed in our Meet Reservation How-To Guide to successfully register all participants.

Q: Can I switch my live event to a virtual event?
A: Yes. To do this, the meet director of the event should email with their sanction name and number, requesting that the sanction be switched to virtual. A $40 refund will be processed.

Q: May I host a foreign virtual sanction?
A: No. At this time, virtual sanctions are only for domestic sanctioned events.

Q: How do I collect signatures from coaches and judges for a virtual sanction?
A: As long as all participants are entered into Meet Reservation, signatures are not required. Please note, this is for virtual sanctions only. Regular sanction signature requirements still apply.

Q: Do I have to stop all classes in my gym to participate in a virtual competition?
A: As with a live event, a non-USA Gymnastics sanctioned event may not be conducted concurrently with a USA Gymnastics virtual sanctioned event. Please note, this does not apply to classes/practices that may be occurring during the normal course of club business. However, classes/practices should be conducted in an area that is clearly defined and separate from the competition area.

Please feel free to contact Member Services for any other question or concerns.

USA Gymnastics Member Services Department
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday – 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET
1-800-345-4719 toll free