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Men's Artistic Scoring

The scoring for Elite/International, Junior Olympics and Future Stars is explained below. If you would like to jumpi directly to a section, please click one of the links below:
Elite/International Scoring
The International Gymnastics Federation's (FIG) scoring system for men's and women's gymnastics, instituted in January 2006 and updated for the 2009-12 quadrennium, incorporates credit for the routine's content, difficulty and execution, as well as artistry for the women. In the United States, this system is used at all elite level events. Women's Junior Olympics (Levels 1-10) and collegiate gymnastics use the system based on a 10.0 maximum, while men's Junior Olympics and collegiate gymnastics use a modified version of the FIG scoring system.

In addition to the scoring mechanism, the FIG's scoring system is governed by the Code of Points, which is revised for each quadrennium through re-valuing skills and adjusting individual apparatus requirements. The system instituted in 2006 that eliminated the use of the 10-point maximum was approved during meetings in Baku, Azerbaijan, in October 2005 and has been revised for the 2009-12 quadrennium. Although the basic process is the same for men and women, some differences exist between the two. The men's and women's gymnastics scoring system is similar to those used in rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline and tumbling, and acrobatic gymnastics.

Under the current system, a gymnast's total score includes values for both the routine's content and his/her execution. Basically, the scoring procedure adds the Difficulty Score, which includes difficulty value for skills, connection value and element/compositional requirements, to the Execution Score, which encompasses execution - and for women, artistry on the balance beam and floor exercise - to determine a gymnast's total score. Scores no longer have a maximum value of 10.

Difficulty Score: difficulty and technical content. The Difficulty Score (previously referred to as start value) includes credit for the specified number of skills performed in the routine, along with connection value (credit for connecting high-level skills) and element group/compositional requirements. The men use the term element group requirements, which are the basic categories of skills/elements that must be included in a routine. The women use composition instead of element group to describe this requirement. The element group/compositional requirements vary by apparatus. This score is determined by the D (Difficulty) Panel, which is a two-person panel.

The difficulty value is determined by totaling values for the most difficult skills - eight for women and 10 for men, including the dismount. Each skill has a set difficulty value, as outlined in the Code of Points, and are divided into seven classifications. The difficulty value of a skill or element is not recognized if it fails to meet its technical requirements. Also, credit is only given once for a skill. For the women, they must perform a minimum of three dance elements and a maximum of five acrobatic elements in their balance beam and floor exercise routines.

Connection value is awarded when specific skills or skill types are executed successfully in succession. The women can earn connection values for the balance beam, uneven bars and floor exercise, while the men can earn it for the floor exercise and horizontal bar. For men and women, each connection value is either 0.1 or 0.2 points. No connection value is awarded if the gymnast falls.

Element group/compositional requirements are the basic skills or elements that must be included in each routine and vary by apparatus. This area is similar to the special requirements in the past. If all five requirements are included, a maximum of 2.5 points is awarded.

Each judge on the D Panel independently reaches his/her Difficulty Score and then the two compare and reach a consensus.

After the score has been posted, a coach may inquire about the Difficulty Score, first verbally and then in writing. An inquiry may be resolved by using video review. The initial inquiry must be made prior to the completion of the next gymnast's routine. The written inquiry must be submitted before the end of the rotation, and the Superior Jury reviews the inquiry. At FIG events, a fee is assessed for filing an inquiry; it is returned if the inquiry is upheld.

Execution Score: execution and for women, artistry (balance beam and floor exercise). The Execution Score, determined by a six-person E Panel, now begins at 10 and deductions are made for errors and faults in technique, execution and artistry. Each judge independently determines his/her score. The highest and lowest scores are dropped, and the gymnast's Execution Score is the average of the remaining four judges' scores. Deductions for neutral errors are subtracted from the sum of the Difficulty and Execution Scores.

The deductions for various errors range from 0.1 point for a small error to 1.00 point for a fall. Neutral deductions include those for stepping out of bounds or violating time requirements, as well as attire or podium violations.

Inquiries are not allowed on the Execution Score.

Total score. The gymnast's final score is the total of the Difficulty and Execution Scores less any deductions for neutral errors. Here's an example on how the scoring is calculated. The example uses a woman's routine.

Difficulty Score on uneven bars
Difficulty (4C=4x0.3, 4D=4x0.4) +2.8 points
Element groups (5x0.5) +2.5 points
Connection value^ +0.6 points
Total Difficulty Score 5.9 points
Execution Score*
Base start 10 points
Execution -0.7 points
Artistry -0.3 points
Total Execution Score 9.0 points
Final score 14.9 points

NOTE: For the balance beam and floor exercise, a routine's breakdown could include 1 E-level acrobatic skill, 2 D-level acrobatic skills, 2 C-level acrobatic skills, 2 C-level dance moves and 1 B-level dance move. The gymnast may count more dance elements if they are of higher value than the acrobatic movements. However, the total number of elements cannot exceed eight. The dismount value always is counted, regardless of its value.
    * The Execution Score is calculated by averaging the middle four of six scores.
    & For the men, deductions are listed as exercise presentation deductions rather than divided into execution and artistry.
    ^ The connection value used in the example is for women and does not reflect a viable number for the men.
This explanation reflects the set-up at FIG events, including the Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups. The number of members on the two panels may be different at events that are not conducted by the FIG. The scoring mechanism and processes remain constant throughout, but the number of judges used on the panels may change.

As the system is used, the FIG may make adjustments as needed, which has been done in the past with other changes. Although the "10" designation is no longer the top score, the current system enables fans to see what a gymnast has scored and how it was determined. The current system, in essence, is a new calculation of the previous pieces of start value, deductions and score.
Scoring example
Below is a scoring comparison of the existing scoring system and previous one that used the 10-point maximum using Carly Patterson's balance beam routine from the finals at the 2004 Olympic Games. This is only intended as an illustration to better demonstrate the differences between the two systems. Please note that this routine was constructed under the old system, and routines for the existing code would not be constructed this way; this is intended only as a frame of reference. At the 2004 Olympic Games, Patterson's routine scored 9.775 out of 10.0.

Explanatory details

New scoring system

Old scoring system

Routine breakdown



Mount: Split sit

No Value


Standing split scale

No Value


Standing Arabian salto


E (0.2)

Front aerial, flic flac, back layout, step-out

D, B, C (Acrobatic Series)
+0.20 Connection value

D+B+C (0.2) + (0.1)

Front salto, sheep jump

D, D
+0.10 Connection value

D+D (0.2) + (0.2)

Half turn

No Value

No Value

Full turn



Switch leap, back tuck

C, C
+0.10 Connection value

C+C (0.1)

Dismount: Round-off, flic flac two feet, double Arabian salto

B, B, G
+0.20 Connection value

B+B+Super E (0.2)+ (0.2)



Total Bonus 1.4

Routine valuation for Difficulty Score

Under the current system the counting difficulty elements are:

Basic start value, 8.8


1 acrobatic G = 0.7



1 acrobatic F = 0.6



2 acrobatic D = 0.8



1 acrobatic C = 0.3



1 D dance = 0.4
1 C dance = 0.3
1 A dance = 0.1



Difficulty value, 3.2



The routine would receive 2.0 out of a possible 2.5 for compositional requirements (CR) because there is no dance series of 2 elements 1 with 180 cross split

Routines start at 8.8 base, plus 1.4 bonus with a maximum start value of 10.0


CR, 2.0



Connection bonus 0.6



0.1 for front salto to sheep jump



0.1 for switch leap to back salto



0.2 for front aerial, flic flac, layout salto



0.2 for round-off, flic flac, double Arabian dismount





Difficulty Score/start value

TOTAL Difficulty Score: 5.8

10.0 SV





E Panel Deductions



Mount of no value, composition deduction, 0.1



Execution deduction, 0.3



Add the 0.1 compositional and the 0.3 execution deductions and subtract from 10.0


Execution Score/ deductions

TOTAL Execution Score: 9.6

Execution Deductions 0.25







Explanation of deductions for execution

Assuming that the judges took (2) -0.1 deductions and (1) -0.05 deduction and realizing that the execution penalties no longer have a 0.05 deduction, the minimum deduction for execution for this routine would now be 0.3.

Lack of a dance series and no element mount







Final Score

(Difficulty plus Execution Scores) 15.4


FIG Scoring System Comparison
NOTE: This explanation of the current scoring system reflects the set-up at FIG events, including the Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups. The number of members on the two juries may be different at events not conducted by the FIG. The scoring mechanism and processes remain constant throughout, but the number of judges used on the juries may change. As the system is used, the FIG may make adjustments as needed, which has been done in the past with other changes.


Current system

Old, 10-pt. maximum scoring system

Gymnast's Score

Score for each gymnast is determined by adding together the score for the routine's content (Difficulty Score) and execution (Execution Score).

Each routine was given a start value, and the actual score was the total of credit given for the routine minus deductions for execution. The highest score possible for each was determined by the start value, with a maximum of 10 points.

Start value/D Score

Is now part of the score determined by D Panel, which includes difficulty value, compositional/element group requirements (which vary by apparatus) and connection value. The men call the skill requirements "element group requirements" and the women call it "compositional requirements."

Start value was determined by the elements included in the routine, as well as added value for connections and other bonuses. The base start value for the elite level was 8.8 for women and 8.4 for men. The maximum was a 10.

D Panel

The two-person panel that determines the Difficulty Score or the maximum difficulty and content value of each routine. Only the highest level judges are eligible for this panel.

The two-person panel that determined the start value of each routine. Only the highest level judges were eligible for this, which usually included members of the technical committee. Was called Jury A.

E Panel

Made up of six judges, E Panel evaluates routines for execution, technique and, for the women, artistry. Each judge starts with 10 and then makes deductions for any committed faults in those areas. This is the panel size for FIG-conducted international events; it may vary at domestic events.

Made up of six judges, Jury B evaluated a routine based on execution, technique and artistry. Jury B functioned very similarly to the E Panel but did not start at 10 for the scores. Instead, it tallied the points and deductions. The highest and lowest judges' scores were dropped; the remaining four were averaged and then subtracted from the start value to reach the gymnast's score. The highest attainable score for a routine was determined by the start value; the maximum available was 10.

Difficulty (D) Score: difficulty and technical content score

The Difficulty Score includes points for difficulty value, compositional/element group requirements and connection value. D Panel determines this for each routine.

This score was basically the equivalent of the start value. For men, this accounted for half of the score and was referred to as the difficulty score. It was determined by an A panel.

Difficulty value (part of Difficulty Score)

Points are awarded for the highest-ranked elements - 10 for men and eight for women, including the dismount. For the balance beam and floor exercise, women must perform a minimum of three dance and a maximum of five acrobatic skills in their routine. The difficulty value of an element is not recognized if it fails to meet its technical requirement. Skills are divided into seven groups, A through G. Difficulty value is part of the Difficulty Score. Point valuations for skills and categories have been revised.

The start value was comprised of the base score plus bonus, which came from connections and values. For the men, this was called the difficulty score and was broken into Difficulty and Bonus Points. For men and women, skills were divided into six groups for difficulty, A through Super E.

Connection value (part of Difficulty Score)

Included in the Difficulty Score. Men may earn connection value in two of six events (floor, horizontal bar), and women do so in three of four (beam, floor, uneven bars). Credit is only given if the skills are performed without a fall or meet other established criteria. Connections are valued at either 0.1 or 0.2 points.

Was included in the start value. Men had connection values in five events, and the women in three. Credit was only given if the skills were performed without a fall, or for women, if they had less than 0.3 in deductions.

Compositional/Element Group Requirement (part of Difficulty Score)

The women call this requirement "composition" and the men use the phrase "element group." Each apparatus has five identified compositional/element groups and each of the five element groups is awarded 0.5 pts, with a maximum of 2.5 available. This does not apply to vault.

Was the requirement for the base start value. For the men this is the same as the 2001-05 Code with the exception that each element group was worth 0.1.

Execution Score: Execution, artistry

Tallied by E Panel, gymnasts are awarded a score based on execution, technique and for the women, artistry (balance beam and floor exercise). The score starts at 10 and deductions are made for faults in execution and artistry of presentation. The highest and lowest judges' scores are dropped. The remaining four are averaged. Deductions range from 0.1 for a small violation to 1.0 point for a fall.

Judges evaluated routines and made deductions for faults and errors. This portion, which started at zero and added the deductions, was subtracted from the start value to determine the gymnast's score, which had a cap of 10. Deductions ranged from 0.1 for a small violation to 0.5 for a fall.

Neutral deductions (deducted from Execution Score)

Neutral deductions are given for stepping out of bounds, violating time requirements, attire or podium violations, etc. The deduction for errors varies and ranges from 0.1 to 0.5. These deductions are subtracted from the sum of the Difficulty and Execution Scores.

Neutral deductions were about the same; these were applied after the two juries had made their determinations. The deduction for errors varied and ranged from 0.1 to 0.5.


A coach may inquire verbally about the Difficulty Score to the chief D Judge immediately following the posting of the score or before the completion of the performance of the next gymnast. D Panel will conduct a video review, if necessary. If there is still a question, a written inquiry must be submitted to the chair of the Superior Jury by the start of the next rotation. A financial fee accompanies the inquiry, which is returned if the inquiry proves correct. If not, the fee is donated to the FIG Foundation. This procedure is covered in the Code of Points.

The system was basically the same, but it was not written in the Code and did not include a filing fee. Also, video review was used by the women but not by the men.

Superior Jury

Members of the respective technical committees serve on the Superior Jury.

The Apparatus Jury handled these responsibilities.


Skills have been divided into seven categories (A-G) for difficulty, with new point allocations. The value for error deductions has also been changed. These are outlined in the Code of Points.

Skills were divided into six categories of difficulty, A, B, C, D, E, Super E.

Junior Olympics Scoring
The Men's Junior Olympic Program uses the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) Code of Points as the basis for scoring for both optional and compulsory competition.

The optional routine levels (8, 9 and 10) use the principles of the FIG Code of Points for determining both the A panel score (difficulty) and the B panel score (presentation/execution) with specific junior program exceptions or additions. The Code of Points can be found on the official FIG web site at The junior exceptions to the FIG Code of Points can be found in the USA Gymnastics Age Group Competition Program manual available through USA Gymnastics Member Services.

At the compulsory routine levels (4, 5, 6 and 7), the difficulty is pre-determined and only the B panel principles of the Code of Points with junior program exceptions and additions are used. Again, the junior exceptions to the FIG Code of Points can be found in the USA Gymnastics Age Group Competition Program manual available through USA Gymnastics Member Services.
Future Stars Scoring
All Future Stars Routines are evaluated using current Age Group Competition Program rules and regulations as they apply to the compulsory divisions with regard to uniform, spotting, equipment specifications and judging guidelines with the following exceptions:
  • All omitted skills on the Strength or Flexibility events will be deducted 2.0 points. Added parts on those events will be deducted 1.0 point.
  • At the State and Regional Evaluations, routines in the 8-9, 10 and 11 year old divisions will start from a 10.0 base and there will be no use of bonus of any kind - either specified or virtuosity unless specifically noted in the routine text. The 12 year old division routines will use a 9.2 base score with 0.8 in possible bonus (0.2 per the three specified bonus skills, and .2 for Virtuosity) for a maximum start value of 10.0 on the six men’s events. For the strength and flexibility routines the 12 year old division will use a 10.0 start value.
  • C. At the National Future Stars Competition only, all events routines in the 10 and 11 year old divisions will begin with a base score of 9.7 with an additional 0.3 to be awarded for Virtuosity Bonus. Virtuosity Bonus of 0.3 will only be given for flawless execution that clearly exceeds the required performance criteria. Note: The 12 year old division routines will use a 9.2 base score with 0.8 in possible bonus (0.2 per the three specified bonus skills, and .2 for Virtuosity) for a maximum start value of 10.0 on the six men's events. For the strength and flexibility routines the 12 year old division will use a 9.7 with an additional 0.3 to be awarded for Virtuosity Bonus. Virtuosity Bonus of 0.3 will only be given for flawless execution that clearly exceeds the required performance criteria.