How did you get involved in gymnastics: I began gymnastics when I was 18 months old because I was always standing on my head, and trying to flip around!
Favorite thing about gymnastics: My favorite thing about gymnastics is achieving my goals that I have placed for myself and meeting many new people from around the country.
What are your goals for gymnastics?: My goals are to keep improving on every event and always work for perfection.
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Renee and Billy Sarisky
Names of sibling(s): Tyler Sarisky
Family members in sports: My brother plays hockey and baseball
Interests Outside the Gym
Favorite school subject: Chemistry
Hobbies or favorite activities: Boating, water skiing, and snow skiing
Favorite movie(s): Mamma Mia
Favorite TV show(s): Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Food: Chicken Caesar Salad
Charity Involvement: Baking and donating them to non-profit organizations.
National Competition Results
Women's Development Program National Championships, Daytona Beach, Fla. -
1st-UB; 4th-FX; 9th-AA (Jr. F)