Jordyn Wieber
Birthdate: 7/12/1995
Program: Women's Artistic
Level: Senior
Current Residence: Fayetteville, AR
Career Highlights

Personal Information
Nickname: Jo
Hometown: DeWitt, MI
Personal Website:
Twitter: @jordyn_wieber
Name of High School: DeWitt High School
Name of College: UCLA
Year you began gymnastics: 1999
How did you get involved in gymnastics: My parents thought I looked like a gymnast and I could balance on one foot for a long time so they put me in a recreational class when I was 4 years old.
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Dad: David, Mom: Rita
Names of sibling(s): Sister: Lindsay (5-4-87), Med student at Michigan State Univ. Brother: Ryan (1-11-94), plays HS football Sister: Kyra (8-26-99), plays soccer
Family members in sports: My mom had a college track and field scholarship to Central Michigan Univ. My sister, Lindsay, was a Junior Olympic National qualifier in track and field and has qualified for the Boston Marathon
National Competition Results
International Competition Results