Full First Name: Katelynn
Birthplace: Sacramento, CA
Instagram: Instagram.com/acrobat.kate
Year you began gymnastics: 2014
Favorite Event: Dynamic
How did you get involved in gymnastics: My mom originally wanted me to do artistic gymnastics, but I wanted to do acro so bad that I cried and refused to go with my artistic coach! So my mom finally let me switch to acro and I competed for the first time when I was 3!
Favorite thing about gymnastics: I love getting to work with partners in acro.
What are your goals for gymnastics?: I want to compete at World Games!
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Kari Duncan
Names of sibling(s): Kaelib, Kaden, and Kayslee Duncan
Family members in sports: Kaelib competes in a 12-18 mixed pair