Cassandra Sheets
Birthdate: 3/5/1993
Program: Women's Artistic
Level: Senior
Current Residence: Castle Rock, CO
Club: JET Gymnastics
Head Coach: Mary Lee Tracy
Other Coaches: Enrique Trabanino
Career Highlights

Personal Information
Nickname: Cassie, Cass
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Personal Website:
Name of High School: Ohio Virtual Academy
Year you began gymnastics: 1995
How did you get involved in gymnastics: I started when I was 17 months old because i kept jumping off the furniture! We found a local program that I could do which let me jump whenever I wanted-GYMNASTICS!
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Cindy & Chris
Names of sibling(s): Sister Amber, brother Nathan
Family members in sports: My father played soccer for 9 years and was a referee. My mother coaches gymnastics at CGA and has coached many championships teams. My sister plays
National Competition Results
International Competition Results