Emily Gaskins
Birthdate: 5/23/2000
Program: Women's Artistic
Level: Senior
Current Residence: Deerfield Beach, FL
Head Coach: Mary Lee Tracy
Personal Information
Birthplace: Boca Raton, FL
Hometown: Coral Springs, FL
High School Graduation Year: 2018
Name of College: Alabama
How did you get involved in gymnastics: When I was younger my parents put me in different activities such as swimming, soccer and ballet. My sisters studied classical ballet and when it was time for me to take ballet class, all I wanted to do was swing on the ballet bars and do cartwheels
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Kim and Ronald Gaskins
Names of sibling(s): Kayla (21yrs old) Allison (19 yrs old)
Family members in sports: Kayla is a Dazzler (basketball cheer/dance team)for the University of Florida. Allison is a cheerleader for the University of Florida. Go Gators!!
National Competition Results
International Competition Results