Full First Name: Gabrielle
Birthplace: Newport News, VA
Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA
Personal Website: gabrielledouglas.com/
Twitter: @gabrielledoug
Facebook: Facebook.com/GabrielleDouglasUSA
Instagram: Instagram.com/gabbycvdouglas
High School Graduation Year: 2015
Year you began gymnastics: 2002
How did you get involved in gymnastics: My older sister, Arielle, talked my mom into enrolling me because she thought I would be a good gymnast.
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Natalie
Names of sibling(s): Older sisters Arielle and Joyelle and older brother Johnathan
Family members in sports: Arielle - ballroom dancing. Joyelle - figure skating. Johnathan - football, track and martial arts