Adele Ossi
Birthdate: 7/3/2008
Program: Women's Artistic
Level: Level 10
Current Residence: Annandale, NJ
Club: First State Gymnastics
Personal Information
Birthplace: Flemington, NJ
Hometown: Annandale, NJ
Name of High School: Home schooled
High School Graduation Year: 2026
College Graduation Year: 2030
Degree/Major: Undecided
Year you began gymnastics: 2014
Favorite Event: Bars
How did you get involved in gymnastics: My sisters and brother all did gymnastics.
Favorite thing about gymnastics: Challenging
What are your goals for gymnastics?: National Team
Names of parents/guardians/spouse: Roslind Jensen, Robert Ossi
Names of sibling(s): Cecelia, Lucia, Gemma, Matthias, Vera
Family members in sports: Cecelia, Matthias, Vera
Interests Outside the Gym
Favorite school subject: Math
Hobbies or favorite activities: Arts and crafts, tending our animals, camping, beach
Favorite TV show(s): Outer Banks
Favorite Food: Ice cream
National Competition Results
International Competition Results